Asterios Toutios

Mountain View, CA
+1 213 344 9509

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I am a data scientist at EarliTec Diagnostics, where I spearhead AI/ML initiatives toward making earlier identification and treatment for autism accessible to children everywhere. Previously, I had a trajectory as an academic speech scientist that culminated in a research faculty appointment at the University of Southern California.

My academic research had focused on modeling human speech production based on direct observations of the vocal-tract dynamic configuration. I led the collection, curation, and dissemination of several large speech MRI corpora from USC, and the development of a framework for articulatory speech synthesis from phonological specifications based on such data.

I received academic degrees in Thessaloniki, Greece: Diploma/MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1999, Aristotle University); MSc in Information Systems (2002, University of Macedonia); PhD in Applied Informatics (2007, University of Macedonia). Much more recently (2022), I achieved a MicroMasters Program Credential in Statistics and Data Science from MIT.

Following my PhD I held postdoctoral research positions in France, at LORIA (2007-2011) and TELECOM ParisTech (2011-2012). I joined USC Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2012 as a research associate, and was promoted to assistant research professor in 2017–a position that I held until 2021. Between that and joining EarliTec, I was briefly involved with startups in accent conversion and social media analytics.

For some time, I used to write poetry.


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papers in conference proceedings
journal articles
journal articles
posters and abstracts
journal articles
book chapters
  • Michael Proctor, Yinghua Zhu, Adam Lammert, Asterios Toutios, Bonny Sands, Shrikanth Narayanan, "Studying Clicks Using Real-Time MRI", Click Consonants (Bonny Sands, ed.), Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 210 - 240, 2020.
papers in conference proceedings
posters and abstracts
journal articles
book chapters
posters and abstracts
posters and abstracts
journal articles
papers in conference proceedings
posters and abstracts
journal articles
book chapters
  • Michael Proctor, Yinghua Zhu, Adam Lammert, Asterios Toutios, Bonny Sands, Ulrich Hummel, Shrikanth Narayanan, "Click consonant production in Khoekhoe: a real-time MRI study", Khoisan Languages and Linguistics. Proc. 5th Intl. Symposium, July 13-17, 2014, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal (Sheena Shah, Matthias Brenzinger, eds.), Rüdiger Köppe, Cologne, pp. 337-366, 2016.
papers in conference proceedings
posters and abstracts

journal articles
papers in conference proceedings
journal articles
papers in conference proceedings
journal articles
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
journal articles
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
journal articles
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings
papers in conference proceedings