Speech RT-MRI has recently experienced significant improvements in
Speech RT-MRI data was collected on a GE Signa Excite 1.5 T scanner with a custom 8-channel upper airway coil. A golden-angle spiral readout spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence was used for data collection (spatial resolution: 1.34x1.34 mm2; readout time: 2.4ms; repetition time: 6msec; flip angle: 15°; slice thickness: 6 mm). Image reconstruction was performed using SENSE with total variation spatio-temporal regularization:
where is the spatio-temporal signal, and is the under-sampled data from multiple coils. models coil sensitivity encoding and non-uniform Fourier Transform along the under-sampled spiral trajectory. , are respectively the first order finite difference operations along the spatial dimensions , and time dimension . and are regularization parameters that control the balance between data fidelity and object constraints.
One subject was imaged while performing a task of counting numbers: “one-two-three-four” at a normal pace followed by a rapid pace (~4 times faster). Images were reconstructed with 3 spiral interleaves/frame with a time resolution of 18 ms/frame using a range of ={0,0.02,0.05}, and ={0,0.02,0.1,0.5}. Two region of interest (ROI) intensity-time profiles were extracted to highlight the dynamics at the tip of the tongue, and back of the tongue (see Figure 2 and 3) 8. Events of producing consonants ((/t/ in “two”, /th/ in “three” and /r/ in “four”) at a rapid pace were analyzed using the ROI-based time profiles between the tongue tip and the airway. The ROI based time profiles between the back of the tongue and the airway were also analyzed for the production of vowels (/ÊŒ/ in “one”, /u/ in “two”, /i/ in “three” and /É”/ in “four”).
Figure 1 has twelve pairs of images and time profiles showing the upper lip and tongue movements, reconstructed with different temporal and spatial regularization parameters ( and ). We observe as increases, the intensity-time profiles show reduction in aliasing artifacts. At >0.1, reconstructions exhibit temporal stair-stepping artifacts. This is most evident in regions with subtle articulatory dynamics such as the back of the tongue. These temporal stair-stepping artifacts are qualitatively reduced by setting between [0.01-0.2], and by introducing spatial regularization with between [0.02-0.05]. With >0.02, the images also show blurred edges along the vocal tract.
Figure 2 shows the ROI time profiles for an ROI between the tongue tip and the airway. When, =0, the peaks are embedded in noise. Starting from the second row, when temporal constraints are applied, the peaks are identified. However, when is high (>0.1), the small peak (/r/ sound) in green shaded region tend to blur due to temporal stair-stepping. This is reduced with smaller (<0.1) and introduction of spatial regularization (0.01<<0.2).
Figure 3 shows the ROI time profiles for an ROI between the back of the tongue and the airway. As increases, two high peaks are identified in the intensity-time profile. The introduction of spatial regularization allows for the recovery of subtle dynamic changes during the production of /ÊŒ/ in “one”, which has a small peak (blue shaded region).
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